Oh, the Places You Can Go!

From Mountains to Caverns and Even the Arctic Circle

Enter the World Of Rock Drilling with WORD

It’s always an interesting conversation among our team when a customer comes to us with a project that is a little out of the ordinary. These are our sales teams’ favorite calls to get because it gives them the opportunity to dig into their rock drilling knowledge to help the customer develop a solution. Forcing us to think outside of the box in some of these situations, these are the calls that keep us on our toes. A lot of the time, that is why the customer came to us in the first place, for a new perspective with a little bit more know-how in drilling than what they might have themselves. They know what needs to happen, they know the end result, but they don’t know how to drill their way to that goal.

For one customer, earlier in the history of WORD, they knew exactly where they wanted to go … about a hundred feet underground to a newly discovered cavern system. But how to get there was a different story. A popular cavern tours destination, this customer had decided to expand their business and break through to a new cavern system on their property. As a small business, they weighed their options between contracting out the tunnel work that would need to be done from the surface down to this new space or, bringing the operation in-house. During the research phase of this decision, they came across WORD and the solution they were looking for. An excavator attachment later, they were drilling and blasting their way through the first layer of earth.

Another interesting project that our team has come into contact with in the world of rock drilling, took place in the Arctic Circle. In this challenging environment, equipment weight was a huge obstacle for this customer. Due to the fragile permafrost that makes up the topsoil level in this region, heavy drilling equipment would bog down into this layer and easily become stuck. Due to the versatility of our WORD Skid Steer attachment, and weight compared to other drilling equipment, this attachment was a great solution for this customer.

This last job was a roller coaster, literally. Due to a combination of elements, this customer had a subsurface water problem that was slowly but surely sliding his mountain roller coaster down the mountain face it sat on. Having hired contractors who failed to sufficiently stabilize the mountain, they reached out to WORD for a drill that could help them do the project themselves. With the purchase of an EX125 unit, that’s just what they got. Checkout the video below to see this unit in action!

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