Let’s be honest. ConExpo 2020 was something none of us expected. Between the rain, coronavirus, and a shortened show; this years ConExpo was not lacking in drama.
However, despite the strange circumstances of the show this year, there was an amazing turnout! The smaller number of attendees actually turned out to be beneficial, giving us time to have quality conversations with each person that entered our booth. From an attendee perspective, many Attendees also seemed to enjoy the show more because they didn’t have to constantly fight masses of people to get to the booths they wanted to see.
WORD Braving the Storm

Premier of WORD Rock Tour
If you made it out to ConExpo this year you may have seen us in our inaugural “WORD Rock Tour” themed T-shirts for 2019. These shirts represent a yearly initiative WORD is making to represent our customers and bring some fun into the rock drilling industry. These T-shirts will come out at the end of each year, themed to fit a popular rock band but with a WORD twist. The back of the T-shirts will list the locations that each drill in that year was delivered too! But that’s not even the best part! Each WORD drill customer from that year will receive a commemorative tour t-shirt to celebrate!

Shipping Container Transformation
Conexpo 2020 was a time of firsts for WORD Rock Drills! Not only did we premier our new WORD Tour T-shirts but we also designed a new booth for the show! Unlike anything we’ve done before, this display actually started its life as a shipping container! After months of planning and modifications, we turned a shipping container into a casual booth space with a bar, couch, and even a second level observation deck! If you didn’t make it to this ConExpo, come check out our shipping container display at MineExpo 2020 or IFCEE 2021! It’s a great place to escape the trade show chaos, kick your feet up, and enjoy an afternoon happy hour!

Team Bonding
Our last big initiative for ConExpo 2020 was to have all of our WORD Rock Drills team attend! ConExpo is an amazing show in our industry. With the amount of exhibitors and equipment showcased every three years we believe that attendance is an experience no employee should be left out of. Focusing on team bonding and education, we gave every WORD employee the opportunity to attend ConExpo and experience its magnitude. Having the capability to bring our team together for experiences like this is something we value deeply at WORD and we hope to continue this tradition moving forward!